Monday, November 28, 2005
More thoughts
Sunday, November 27, 2005
I love my family
Walk down a dirt road

We went for a walk down the dirt road and we saw an old well out in the middle of some land, we walked up to it and checked it out. I wonder about the hand that laid brick for brick for their drinking water. Then I looked up and saw Autumn and mom looking at some birds flying over, perfect shot. Now Eli wasn't too fond of the well as you can see when mom tried to pick him up and show him the well. We kept going and came upon a dropoff with a pond. Autumn and Eli enjoyed throwing rocks in the water. We asked them what kind of animals were out there and they told us everything from alligators to lizards and fish. No alligators but plenty of the other I'm sure.
Cotton Fields
Saturday, November 26, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
John's Weekend Assignment.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiving, and, frankly, I don't expect to see too many of you around here on that day, so I thought I'd post a Thanksgiving-themed Weekend Assignment this Thursday:
Weekend Assignment #86: Who are you thankful for -- who you won't be able to spend this Thanksgiving with? This is a chance to tell us about the people you care about who will be far away from you this holiday, or who have passed on but remain in your heart.
Well the one that is still in my life, is Mike, he's working the day before Thanksgiving, and after, so he's not going to be able to make it to Georgia with me. I'm thankful that his mom and him talked this week after many months of not talking. So this is good. I'm heading to Georgia Wednesday so am looking so forward to seeing everyone. The people I am thankful for but won't get to spend Thanksgiving with, my grandparents. Thanksgiving memories always bring them to life for me and my family, we often sit and revisit these memories of them. Mema and Nana both seemed to enjoy Thanksgiving so much because their families were home with them. I guess my mom is much like them now. I'm thankful for all the many wonderful memories of Thanksgiving past with my grandparents, even the one where I gave the dogs the food I was supposed to put in Mema's refrigerator outside. Why I fed it to the dogs I still don't know. But they always love sharing that story every year. I'm thankful for all the people I've shared Thanksgiving with in the past and they are no longer a part of my daily life. I'm also thankful for all the friends I do have now, and they are with family.
Extra Credit: Pumpkin pie vs. pecan pie -- which do you choose for Thanksgiving dessert? I'll take both, but I love pecan pie. My mema made the best pecan pie, and my Nana made the best pumpkin pie.
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Saturday morning
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
I feel a little lost, well guess I'm learning how to post on instant message. I don't have anything good to say yet about all this, so I won't say anything at all, but I am testing things over at to see if I can learn more about their space.
Saturday, November 12, 2005
A living Prayer
Has anyone listened to Allison Krause "A Living Prayer", she definately makes bluegrass music cool.
Here are the lyrics.
In this world, i walk alone with no place to call my home,
but there’s One who holds my hand, the rugged road through barren lands
the way is dark, the road is steep but He’s become my eyes to see,
the strength to climb, my griefs to bear, this Savior lives inside me there
In your love i find release, a haven from my unbelief
take my life and let me be a living prayer, my God to thee
in these trials of life i find another voice inside my mind,
He comforts me and bids me live, inside the love the Father gives
in your love i find release, a haven from my unbelief
take my life and let me be a living prayer, my God to thee
I looked for a link to the song, but havn't found one yet.
thought I'd try this Frapper Map thing
I've seen this on so many blogs lately.
All you do is add your name, zipcode, photo (optional), and comment! That way we can get an idea where everyone is from!
Inside Myself
I wrote this poem, I think I've shared on here before called Inside Myself, I went looking today at art galleries and diffrent places, and when I saw this it reminded me of the poem I wrote. The artist is Jennifer Woodall. She wasn't there today when I got it, but I did get her email so I plan on checking with her what the painting meant to her, I found it very interesting. Here's the poem I wrote.
Inside Myself
by Derek
Lost inside myself, reaching out to the universe. What will I learn?
Pictures in frames have changed with time, evidence of my journey, faces in trees that were meant to GUIDE ME.
I stand outside alone at night, close my eyes and feel something that surrounds me, it is then my spirit hears their voices, rise out of the darkness. A sigh in the trees. "Our eyes are the stars that shine". "Our love is the moonlight that gently whispers the night." "Our hope for you fills each glorius dawn with light". "Our pride in all you have done, gives color to every sunset."
Am I looking into the eyes of my ancestors, realizing I am on the path I was meant to take all along. I'm no longer inside myself, I'm finding my guiding stars more beautiful than any other in this vast sky.
I thought this painting really went well with my poem. Will be interesting to see what the painting meant to her. As you may be able to tell, I'm feeling much better. It's a beautiful day today, I'm sitting here windows open, listening to Elisa Korenne. It sure is good to be feeling so much better. I found out about chemo angels through my friend Chris over at
this entry tells you a little about it. It's such a great organization, just wanted to tell everyone about it since Chris shared it with me, thought maybe someone would see it and take an interest.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Back at work today
Well here I am back at the grindstone, that Phenergan really wiped me out yesterday, I think I slept like 14 hours. But at least I'm well enough to be back at work. Still feeling a little funny on my stomach, but it's much better today. I can smile. But boy am I ready to be home already. Thank goodness it's been kind of slow today, most Fridays are. Not a lot planned for the weekend, Mike and are supposed to take a class on Sunday and two other Sunday's about being a new member of our church. He got some movies for us to watch tonight. I hope I'm feeling well enough to go for a run tomorrow the weather was so nice the past two days and I was trapped inside which I hated. Everyone have a great weekend, and thanks again for all the well wishes. I spoke to my mom today since she's off for Veterans Day. Nothing like a talk with Mama when your feeling bad.
Thursday, November 10, 2005
Feeling much better
Tuesday, November 8, 2005
Feeling Blue
Sunday, November 6, 2005
CrockPot Sunday and Sword Fighting
Saturday, November 5, 2005
Child in the Dark
Last night in my dreams I saw a child that child was me, he was embracing himself against the dark. He knows not why, nor imagines why. He only acknowledges the existence and the "feel of things" to come. He waits...He waits... He waits for the reality that will knowing come, He knows it will come...with a vengence and a rage, it will come, and he waits... Life without pain, He waits... For neither shame nor sorrow He waits... He waits for the scars to heal, They are deep, The soul was wounded, And it lies there bleeding, until it too will come, with a vengence and a rage masked by duty. Oh, Yes! It too shall come. Muffled voices fall on a muted, numb brain, but he feels the tension.. he knows, Anticipation crushes his chest... and he knows. Oh God! Please! But he knows. Fear grips his eyes as it turns them to liquid. Light suddenly and blindly explodes the room It has come. Somewhere tonight a child sleeps, curled inside himself. He tries to reach the womb, nine months without pain, no sorrow, not tears. For in the womb there was comfort and peace. The child will find much in this world, pain and sorry, joy and love. So for now he waits... and dreams of gossamer wings that will fly him to peace and a life without pain... He waits. by Derek
A few years ago I had a conversation about a book "The Celestine Prophecy" It was a interesting book, that I really enjoyed at the time I read it, there was a section about we choosing the life we are born into, and my friend told me he thought he didn't want to be born, that he was sad in his inbetween place, and although he still had to come back because there was things he still hadn't learned. I had a dream last night and saw a child in the dark, although the child was me not him. I saw him in the dark, then I saw a light coming, and thought about birth. I finally wrote something with the word gossamer wings, I've heard that in so many poems and always wanted to use it. So now I finally have.
Rich Aroma
The sweet aroma is filling the air I breath. I checked out Paula Dean on the internet, she's one of my favorite cook's. I picked this receipe out.,1977,FOOD_9936_29692,00.html
I'm cooking the "Lady and sons Vegetable Beef Soup", the aroma is just too rich. I'm making a huge pot of it, tomorrow is our Crock Pot Sunday, so there will be plenty for tomorrow. Today has been a nice day, I went and got groceries, the Fridge is full and the freezer. I even got some Rocky Road ice cream. I'm bad, but oh well, I'll splurge this weekend. Mike is at work. It was so nice to have a clean house to come home to yesterday. Although I did smart off at him last night when he tried telling me how to wash something in the washing machine. My back or my lower back has been bothering me on one side, I went and jogged 6 miles today, and man am I sore, I was supposed to meet Mike at the gym, but don't think I'm going to make it, probably going to go put some ice or heat on it. I'm feeling creative today, I need to draw. I've been feeling it calling me lately. I've been into the photography thing so much that I havn't drawn much. But I've been seeing images in my head. So I've got to draw or write prose or something. Funny how it just hits me at times, and other times I can't seem to get anything done.
Friday, November 4, 2005
It's Friday
Finally the day has come. I look so forward to Friday's every week. This was was even better because I came home to a clean house. Mike cleaned today on his day off. Now we can enjoy the weekend for sure. I'm literally exhausted, rough week. But glad I can just put my feet up and relax now. O.K. I'm going to unwind some! Have a great weekend everyone!
Thursday, November 3, 2005
Mysteries of Yesterday
of marble
shattered, lying in
the dust of centuries.
Statues, once
wreathed in magnificence.
contained of holiness,
lie toppled,
awaiting eternity.
Upon a hill,
a temple,
long since stripped
of splendor,
material and ethereal,
stands in ruins
A mystery left in our minds...
Relationship is precious art
Known by millions, but shared by two.
Felt deep with each person's heart,
Relationship is precious art.
Strong friendships never torn apart;
Remaining old-beginning new.
Relationship is precious art
Known by millions, but shared by two.
by Derek
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
Happy Birthday Lance
Me and Lance about 23 years ago.
Well as much as I was hoping I was going to have a new brother or sister born on Halloween, it didn't happen. But I did get my wish on a new brother. When Lance was born, I looked so forward to sharing all of life's little adventures. As I've said in some old entries, I prayed for a little brother from the time I found out my mom was having a baby. He came into this world and was so loved by us all. I think we all loved having his attention. I wanted him by my side, I wanted to show him things. I still remember his first smiles. He always had a light in his eyes burning. Always with love. I can't remember anything other than that, it shines naturally in him. Autumn, Eli, and Ethan are the same way. There are many treasured memories I hold dear and so much laughter. Hope this is a wonderful birthday for you Bro. Seems the world we live in is so busy. Seems time is just going by quicker and quicker, even though you still seem really young to me. Man twenty six. Your the best bro anyone could have. I've really enjoyed you having journal too, I love to hear what's going on in your world and you. Just know I'm grateful and appreciate you and most of all want you to know how much I love you! We all do. Happy Birthday! Man we had a lot of hair in that first picture!
Lance and me in Disney World