Sunday, May 2, 2004


Mema has always meant love to me.  Mema was loving and caring.  I always felt a strong closeness with her.  I've probably kissed her more than anyone in my life.  I've got so many memories of her.  I spent the night with my Mema and Papa every Friday night from the time I was about 2 until I was 18.  She always cooked my favorite every Friday, Spaghetti.  I remember as a young kid, watching Grand ole Oprey, and she would get up and start square dancing with me when they would square dance, then as Sherry and Dena got older they came and spent the night also.  The square dancing grew to us all 4 dancing with her.  She always had a big influence on me and was  big presence in my life.  I sure miss her, she always had pencil and paper ready for me every Friday night for me to draw on, and afterwards I'd tell her a story with my pictures.  She helped with my imagination. I can still see her hiding behind a smile, she did that, if she smiled, she didn't want anyone to see, so she would cover her smile with a hand.  She still lives in my heart and mind, and I think about her almost every day.  She died 2 years ago, and was the last grandparent I lost.  If I ever want to cheer myself up on a Friday night I start cooking spaghetti sauce, just the smell of it makes me smile.


Anonymous said...

A beautiful woman. So wonderful that you have such precious memories of her.

Anonymous said...

I can relate so well to this entry.

Anonymous said...

my mamaw died when i was four,(my dad's mom) i have always felt the void in my life of her loss and wondered what a wonderful relationsip we could have had over the years.