My mind is full tonight as it is many nights. So I fill my journal with thought. What is man for? If you know what something is designed to do, then you know its purpose in life. Baby, she loves the water; a eagle loves to soar; a lion loves to hunt. It's what they are made for. Desire reveals design, and design reveals destiny. In the case of us, HUMANS, our design is revealed by our own desires. When I was young, I've always said, when my mom asked me where I was going. "On an adventure", I would tell her. That's what we're on an adventure. What a wonderul mission He gave Adam and his sons in the beginning. An incredible mission. Rule and subdue, be fruitful and multiply. He gave us the entire earth to explore. Wow! Care for it and make it your kingdom. I'm in awe now, what an invitation this was. Eden was the only garden, everything else was wild and waiting for exploriation. No rivers crossed, no mountains climbed. Nothing discovered, a clean canvas just like our new days. A clean canvas waiting for a painting, a masterpiece.
Sometimes I think people think they are simply here to kill time- and it's killing them. I'm guilty and have been guilty of this. But I know the truth is just the opposite. It's about the secret longing of your heart. Whether it be to plant a field and care for it like our forefathers, build a boat or sail it, to write a play or act in it. Those are the things we are made to do. That's what we're here for. I want it so bad, I ask for it. Let me find it.
This is great, D. Very enlightening. Your last paragraph says it all. I, too, want it so bad that I ask for it and hope I find it. Here's to our findings...blessings. gloria
Great entry. The things you want so badly are things HE wants so badly to help you find.
If we continue to let our hearts open, what we look for in life will just slip right in. Sometimes we don't even know it did till we look back in hindsight.
In the words of Shakespeare-"all the world is a stage and the people, merely its players..."
Hi. you have a very enjoyable journal, and I hope to soon invest some time in reading it from it's inception.
Please take a moment and check my journal out.
Powerful entry, good writing! judi
I can tell you love your family so much. family will always will be there even when you feel down. When you do think of that cute little girl smiling at you and you feel better. Have a nice day
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