Monday, October 4, 2004


How often do we sit around and think about what we don't have, when we completely ignore what we do have.  I am really blessed and I need to think about that more often.  Things could be much worse.  I have my health, I have close friends.  My family is in good health.   I have someone special to share my life.  I'm enjoying defining my story.   I'm enjoying my story too.  I could go on and on.  But I'm going to wrap it up and just say.  I'm thankful for this life!


Anonymous said...

Being thankful for *this life* says it all, dear one. Hugs, and love. *Barb*

Anonymous said...

Yes, I too have so much to be thankful for. Good perspective, judi

Anonymous said...

Very nice entry :)
So true..


Anonymous said...

wonderful to reflect on the things we are thankful for!