Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Don't Worry Be Happy

A lot of people don't know that I majored in Psychology in college. I've always loved Psychology, just the workings of the mind. I think I majored in it because I was trying to figure myself out. I was thinking today about the "Good Book", the Bible, it isn't a psychology textbook, but sure gives us the wisest counsel for experiencing happiness that I can think of. It assures us that "a merry heart does good" like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bone." I watched another "Extreme Makeover, Home Edition", on Sunday night. There was a little kid that wanted to grow up and be a cardiologist, heart doctor. You could just see this kids heart was big, I think he will do it too. I wonder how many heart doctors have heard that scripture in Proverbs. A healthy outlook helps the heart. I believe that! There have been many different kinds of people in my life, optimist and some pessimist, that may be spelled wrong, that's ok, I don't really want to know how to spell that word anyway. As they say "Milk does the body good", so does Optimism. Faith, isn't it the same thing, or something close anyway. When we can look beyond our present difficulty and put our trust in His goodness it cannot help but make us feel joyful. People have always told me I always smile and am a pretty cheerful fellow. I do smile a lot. I always have. Even when maybe I'm not really the happiest. I still try and smile. I do admit to my feelings more now at least to myself and to those around me. Where am I going with this entry, I feel like the energizer bunny, I keep going, and going and going. O.K. the truth, I'm feeling a little anxious today, and I remember a poem I read, I don't really remember it to quote, but it was about bringing all your anxieties, all your cares and bringing them to the mercy seat and leaving them there, maybe it was a song, I can't remember, because I'm humming as I'm writing this. Never a burden, he cannot bear, never a friend like JESUS. So I guess my entry is just saying. "Don't worry, be Happy"


Anonymous said...

you are right.  everything you need know to have a great life is right in the Bible.  


Anonymous said...

you are a wonderful and delightful person. judi

Anonymous said...

Love you, Derek! Keep smiling and being optimistic. When you have a good disposition, you attract good luck!

Anonymous said...

You know I work with the public five daze aweek and I pray every morning to wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove. I smile alot too.

Anonymous said...

Very Wise, Derek.

Anonymous said...

My kids learned that verse over Christmas break.
A cheerful heart makes good medicine, but a broken spirit zaps your strength.

But they cannot remember where in Provberbs it is....


Anonymous said...

I am feeling "a broken spirit dries the bone."  I can't seem to shake it but your entry has helped me remember to "take it to Jesus He will shoulder the burden and clear the way for me to trust and again learn to "don't worry be happy."
