Saturday, February 12, 2005

Weekend Assignment #47

Weekend Assignment #47: Teenage Crushes

Time to swoon for this week's Weekend Assignment:

Weekend Assignment #47: Reveal Your Teenage Celebrity Crush! Oh, come on. We all had one. Share yours, and tell us why that particularly celebrity tripped your teenage trigger.

Extra Credit: Tell us: Do you still have a little teeny bit of a crush on that celebrity? Yes? No? Maybe so?

Here's mine:  Olivia Newton John, I think it was the movie Grease when I first started loving her.  Something about her, not sure how to explain it.  Every year I would get her new albumn for Christmas.  I wasn't so crazy about the "Physical" albumn, but she was my celebrity idol most of my teenage years.  I used to get out my sister's teenbeat magazine's and find her address and write her, but I never got a response back. there was however one person I wrote that did respond but I was more like 11 or 12,  It was 1977, and I wrote a letter to Debbie Boone, I remember I was in the 6th grade.  I was crazy about her too, and loved the song "You light Up My Life", I don't remember what all I wrote, but she actually wrote me a letter back in her stationary, it wasn't one of those fake kind of letters.  She sent me this beautiful picture of her and autographed it, I had it framed and hung on my wall for a couple of years.  I also met Loretta Lynn and shook her hand, and got her autograph also.  I thought she was a beautiful woman too.  Still do.  Extra credit!Have you seen Olivia lately, she's still as beautiful as she was when I was a teenager, so yep!



Anonymous said...

I'm so awful.  I haven't done the assignment yet.  I think I'm going to bypass this one.  I remember being boy crazy for a while (whew, I'm glad I'm past that phase. NOT! lol)

Olivia Newton John had some innate good quality about her.  Very few actresses nowadays have that style or dignity.

Anonymous said...

Dude! We agree.