Friday, April 8, 2005

Feeling better already

Do you just ever have those days when nothing seems to be going right, as you know I was sick a few weeks ago, well, it's payday today, and I had found out that when I was out those 3 days of work, which my boss ok'd me to take as vacation days, so I wouldn't lose any pay, and I have plenty of vac days since I've been with the company so long, well long story short, my boss went on vacation for the week following, and no one told HR that I had returned to work, so they put through that I went out on disability since they didn't know I returned to work.  After they got that cleared they said they would fedex me a check yesterday overnight to work today, yeah it's rent time and stuff like that, and I'm broke.  Now I find out this morning that they are fedexing it to me tomorrow.  Well I know it's kind of silly now, but I let myself stress out really bad over the whole situation, look at the big picture, it could be much worse.  Thanks for all your prayers I feel better already.  Feel kind of silly making much to do about nothing.  I got to just let go, and know that everything will be taken care of, and I cannot control some things.  It happens!


Anonymous said...

aww....glad things are going better!!!

Anonymous said...

If you can't reach out for the little things then you will never reach out for the big things! Glad all is ok. Robin

Anonymous said...

I am so glad things improved.... judi

Anonymous said...

A moment at a time, my friend. That's about the only way I make it through these days. I'm glad things are all right now. Keeping you in prayer though, as always.

Anonymous said...

I am happy that things did work out for you.

Anonymous said...

You're going to be just fine, Derek!  And I'm never wrong about stuff like that.  I'm sending you good vibes even now.    Russ

Anonymous said...

Derek, hang in there!

Anonymous said...

Glad things are goin better...Hugss ~Terri~

Anonymous said...

Glad that you are doing better.


Anonymous said...

We humans are good at that - making much to do about nothing...we love the drama.  I'm glad you're feeling better.  We get a taste of what it's like when we take the control away from God...He lets us!  Love, gloria