Friday, April 22, 2005


It is a sattelite shot of the beach place.  But this is my last month there my lease runs out on June 1st.  Mike and I are moving in together.  Is this the first time I've actually said this in my journal, or really said it out loud, maybe it's just sinking in.  Not sure.  Guess sometimes writing it down makes it more real than just thinking or saying it.  Writing has always been more real for me anyway, not sure why.  The opening of the beaches is this weekend.  Art festival on Saturday and the parade on Sunday so I do plan on us enjoying that.  Riverside is where I'm moving, I've lived there before years ago, and I've always loved it, it's right by the St. John's River, the only River on Earth besides the Nile that flows North.  It's beautiful, so look forward to more river shots, but I do still plan on enjoying the beach from time to time.  Instead of 1 minute away from the beach I'll only be 30 minutes away.  The St. Johns River is beautiful, and they've really beautified it because of all the renovations they did when the Super Bowl was here.  I love running my 3-4 miles on the river.  I'll have to take the camera one day and take some pictures.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS on taking the step..i like that shot..really cool looking...enjoy your time at the beach and thanks for all the great compliments in my are a nice guy and a devotional guy.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you & Mike!!!  Yea!!!!

Anonymous said...

so happy for you and Mike.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on moving in together! -=)

Sounds like the place you will be living together is beautiful! Can't wait for the new photos.