Tuesday, May 31, 2005


Many of you out there in J-Land are complete strangers to me, so I just wanted to let all you know how touched I am when I get a comment or an email from you guys.  Whether it be words of encouragement, words of comfort, or just words saying hello.  It just does my soul good.  It reminds me of the joy of being par of Christ’s body.  Mike and I were reading the bible last night.  It felt good sharing that with someone.  We both looked for about 10 minutes and found something we wanted to read to each other.  I feel like every believer has been give a specific gift or gifts by God to use in building up others- prophesy, ministering, teaching, giving, leading, and showing mercy.  But all of us are to “be kindly affectionate to one another with brotherly love and to rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep.  I know many times, me included hesitate to reach out to someone we don’t know.  We wonder if it is appropriate or if it will mean anything to the person.  But these notes or comments as we call them do for me.  They remind us how much it means to be touched by a stranger


Like refreshing rain in summer or the gentle breeze in spring, Just a little gift of kindness.  Joy to someone’s heart can bring.”  Hess



Anonymous said...

Amen to that.  Many time my journals friends have supported me through bad times.  This is a wonderful community. God can work in many ways and I see Him at work in journals.

Anonymous said...

Words are comforting. They are powerful, as we both know.  We DO each have something to give to one another. I believe that our paths cross for a reason. Reading your entries blesses me, reading mine...bless you. Hugs, and always my love & prayers. Barb http://journals.aol.com/barbpinion/BOTHSIDESOFTHECOIN

Anonymous said...

It is so strange somtimes we hesitate about saying or doing certain things in fear that others will take it in the wrong way. I know what you mean I love reading emails and my comments. They make me smile because someone out there was thinking of me. You seem to be a wonderful person may God continue to bless you Derek......How is his neck doing my hubbys is pretty bad today. :(

Anonymous said...

I often try to avoid offering encouragement or being friendly to someone so I won't come across as strange.  It seems like today's world is about being wrapped up in one's self and ignoring the people you pass everyday.   You've reminded me to not be afraid if someone thinks it's odd that I do something good for another.   Who knows, it also might plant a seed in others who react indifferent initially.  

Anonymous said...

I agree!  We need to build up more treasures in heaven instead of worrying about what we are going to wear the next day.  Thanks for that beautiful entry.


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely not a religious person, but I know & love many people who are.  I'm glad you have a source of comfort.  Speaking of -- thank you for the kind words in my blog and the helpful vibes.  You're a cool guy...one of the nice ones.    Russ

Anonymous said...

remember as a child being told: sticks and stones break bones but words never harm me.  what a horrible thing to teach kids.  words do more harm or good than anything else.  if you know someone is hurting but you don't know what to say, if you just say you don't know what to say makes the other person feel better, it lets them know you understand they are hurting.
Love this entry.


Anonymous said...

I am sorry I have been awol..... I miss you! There are power issues here and I am off my computer because of it. Love and hugs, happy moving!!!! xoxoxox, judi

Anonymous said...

It`s our pleasure!

Anonymous said...

so true so true....I love getting comments and emails too and one thing I've noticed the past year, is how nice everyone is...I mean really nice and supportive...and I just hope I am the same way in turn.    :-)

~ www.jerseygirljournal.com

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful to have you in my life, Derek.  You've been one of my biggest blessings!  Thank you, for that!