Sunday, June 12, 2005

My weekend

We had a nice day yesterday, we went to see the new Star Wars movie, I enjoyed it, the graphics were great, but they made Padema' so helpless in this one, I mean she was fighting right along with Annikin in the last movie, she just seemed so helpless in this one.  We went for Japanese, I got Mike a PSP for his birthday and a game for it, he's playing it on the couch right now.  Then I had four friends over and we had a rocky road ice cream cake and we all went out later.  Everyone kept getting Mike shots so he wasn't feeling the best today.  We went to church today it was a good sermon.  Has anyone out the heard of Henry Nouwen, our pastor quoted from some of his books.  Really interesting stuff, here's one of his websites, would love to know if anyone has read any of his stuff.  I think it's really interesting and plan on reading some of his works.  Hope everyone had a great weekend.



Anonymous said...

Sorry dumb here , have NO idea what PSP  is , sounded like a great day!!
~ Julie~

Anonymous said...

The Rocky Road ice cream cake sounds the best! Anne

Anonymous said...

Makes 2 dummies cause I don't know what a PSP is either?!  Derek, did you get my email I sent you?  AOL is tripping and I don't always get my emails, can't always access journals, and my mail sent is not always received.  My alerts aren't working too well, either.  Let me know if you got my email, please.  I'm glad you guys had a wonderful day!  And what a special entry you wrote for Mike on his b-day.  It was beautiful, Derek.  Hugs and blessings to both...gloria

Anonymous said...

Add a third. I do not have a clue what a PSP is but I am very glad you had such a nice day.

Anonymous said...

shots, huh?  scarey things.....

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed Star Wars too!  I saw Return of the Jedi last night and it confused me because Princess Lea says she remembered her mother vaguely.  Yea right!  She was one day old when she left her mother!!!  

How were you able to make church on time after drinking shots?  I always have to skip it on Sundays if I go out.  But my tolerance is low.

Anonymous said...

Yea, Mike!

Anonymous said...

So glad you had a nice weekend and Mike had a great birthday..YEAH AND HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MIKE!!!!!!!!