Thursday, June 23, 2005

Two Whites

Aren't these two beautiful!  They were two of the beautiful horses up at the place Sherry and Mark got married.  What did they signify.  For me it was purity, prosperity, and good fortune.    All good things for a wedding don't you think.  They were beautiful.  I took a break a quick walk up to see these two while they were busy with the wedding rehersal.  Those eyes just seem to talk too me.  I've always loved white horses. 


Anonymous said...

they speak romance too the white horse ALWAYS  brings LOVE
~ Julie~

Anonymous said...

Oh they are so beautiful, I have always loved white horses as well.

Anonymous said...

Aren't they beautiful!  I've always been told that if you see a white horse it will bring you good luck. You had a double dose ... did it work? Pennie