Saturday, August 27, 2005

Live and in Person with Derek in Georgia

Well I just wanted everyone out there in Jland to know all is well, and I had the time of my life today with family.  I'm definately blessed.  I sure feel it, I have two beautiful sisters that are the most loving women I know.  I have a wonderful mom that is the world to me.  I have a wonderful life loving brother that has the best personality and is a pleasure being around.  I got to spend time with my father that was a blessing in itself, becasue it's been so long since I've felt that.  Lastly I have three of the biggest blessings.  Autumn, Eli, and Ethan, who are teaching me just as much about life than anyone.  I love looking through their eyes.  I put Eli to bed last night, you know scooped him up asleep off the floor, and took him and put him to bed, put the covers over him, and said goodnight.  That was just one night of doing it so many people are blessed to do this everynight.   It's a great honor to have that.  It's a big honor and a lot of work too, I'm sure.  I love being an uncle.  Although it is a feeling I sure enjoyed.  Eli and Ethan, and Daddy and Sonny as well had a wonderful birthday.  I have some great pictures, can't wait to share them.    Hope everyone for a safe and blessed Sunday.


Anonymous said...

Georgia?  You're in Georgia?  How did I miss that? ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

glad all is wel, you sound soooo happy!

Anonymous said...

There is nothing like happy times with the family, that is what memories are built on and what you always treasure.

Anonymous said...

Derek can't wait to see the photos!!!

Anonymous said...

can't wait to see the pictures!!!  YOu have a wonderful Sunday too!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see the pictures!  And.... hear the stories 'cuz I am sure there are tons!

Anonymous said...

be happy my friend. judi

Anonymous said...

So glad you enjoyed yourself. Nothing better than spending quality time with family. ANd by the way, Derek, they are blessed to have YOU too.

Anonymous said...

Coming from a large family myself I know what it feels like although I have no brothers or sisters (that I know of).  Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad your weekend was wonderful! It is an amazing thing to get to hang out with family like that and enjoy everyone. It is a blessing, and I've found in life, not everyone has this blessing.
Take care