Journal Jar question #2
What games did you play in your house or neighborhood?
Numer one was always hide and seek, this was always my favorite inside and outside, we loved it as kids, we love it as adults. I enjoy it even more now, I can't believe I havn't taken pictures of them closing their eyes and counting as the other's hide. We also played frisbee a lot, and played basketball in our neighbor's yard. I also loved this game called "Ultimate Frisbee", all the kids were usually at our house or yard growing up. We were always playing something. Funny how I can remember some things so vividly, but at the moment, I can't see it so clearly. We did have fun though.
we rode bikes a lot, when I was like 7-9 I had Tonka trucks,only cause you need trucks to haul horses! And I had herds of Breyer horses!
my uncle made me a horse trailer out of his erector set!
We loved jacks and marbles..
I grew up in a BIG neighborhood, and we loved
to get together on summer evenings and play
hide and seek.
I bet it's impossible for you to remember those games without a giant grin on your face!
Tilly x
Ahh, those were the good old days Derek. We played tag, hide and seek and the occasional doorbell ditch alot but my all time favourites were streetball and touch football. No one could catch me.
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