Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Photographer, who me?


Well as everyone knows out there I love photography, and everyone lately has been asking for a photoshoot.  My friend Denise loved hers and showed them to everyone, so everyone has been coming to me wanting their picture or their children or presents for the boyfriend or husband.  So looks like I'm getting some business.  They are paying too, not a lot yet, I'm still trying to get something together, a photography business.  Photos by Derek.  Keep me in your thoughts, maybe this will be the something I'm looking for.  At least it's something I love.  Other than this, not much going on, Mike's busy working on a project, and I am just sort of ready for bed, wanting to be inspired to write something, but just can't seem to get it out of me, do ya'll get that way much?


Anonymous said...

the stuff I wanna write I can't I just feel stifled

Anonymous said...

How WEIRD!  I was just thinking about asking you if you do shoots for other kids...LOL! ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

I haven't 'known' you long but I have seen enough of your photo's to know you have the knack!  You've stated several times you love it.  Doing something you love is what we all live for, look for, want!  Go for it!  
As for being inspired to write, we all get that 'block,' but we all keep trying and before you know it something will hit you and you'll have the next entry.  I know you will have something interesting in no time :)

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to figure out how to get you out here to do my family portrait. The last formal one is woefully out of date....Daniel isn't even in the picture and he is noticing and I seem to look older in it!   LOL    and I wouldn't mind a potrait of me too.
Good luck with this. I do hope it grows into sometjhing wonderful.

Anonymous said...

I hope this grows into something lucrative for you.  If I had a better camera I know I would do something like that in a heartbeat.  Yay Derek!


Anonymous said...

Derek .... I get that way alot.  When I do, I go to a site with lists of quotations.   I pick a quote that appeals to me at the time, and right away ..... I write away!  Tina

Anonymous said...

I get that way a lot!  I feel like sometimes
I'm the most boring person on the planet!
Anyway, good luck with the photo bizness!

Anonymous said...

Your photos are great!!!! Good luck :). Who doesn't a writer or photo block :(.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of the sheep!  Good luck building a photography business.  Just remember, fast or slow, it will grow at it's own pace.  Give it time, rather than demanding more from it than is there yet.  As much as I would like for my 5 year old to start mowing the lawn, we are still at the "make your own bed and pick up your socks" stage.  Lots of confidence and patience.  :)  

Anonymous said...

good for you....... and yes, sometimes I cannot find words. judi

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful goat!

Anonymous said...

Awww, what a cute billy goat.  Don't worry Derek, the words will come.  If all else fails, keep snapping those photos.  Oh, and I finally got some batteries for my camera.

Anonymous said...

Derek, thats wonderful!!! To make money, to live by, or simply support a beautiful passion I believe to be one the greatest achievements around. I hope your photoshoot is going well today.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this photo!
