Thursday, November 17, 2005


Lost was good last night, I really love this show.  The writers are wonderful.  I havn't been writing lately.  My family even commented on it.  Saying ok what's going on with you?  I've been in a funk even before all this ad stuff going on.  Honestly the ad thing is not what has been bothering me so much, it's the fact that I can post entries by going onto aol, I have to actually go to  and then post entries, so I'm still a little clueless to what's going on.  I'm so ready for Thanksgiving, I miss the little ones and my family a lot.  I hate Mike can't go home with me since he has to work the day before and the day after.  I wish he and his family were doing better or at least talking cause I know it is tearing him up.  I also hate not being with him on a holiday.    What kind of emotions does Thanksgiving bring up for you.  Mine are happy memories of family, friends, and lots of good food.  I think of my grandmother's and my years of eating two thanksgiving dinners in one day.  I loved it.  Maybe we should plant trees in remembrance of them this year, try something new, not sure just an idea.  I've kind of held onto that bug I had last week, but mostly feeling much better.  I'm at work, so better get back to it, but just felt like dropping a few lines in here.  Partly because I just felt like it, and partly to see if anyone's out there?  :)


Anonymous said...

how to fix your problem.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the posting problems! mine is fine! I'm more tired of hearing posting woes, tham I am of ad woes at this point. I don't understand!!how can it be a problem for some and others not have it??

Anonymous said...

I'm here Derek...and I'm so glad to hear that you are feeling better.
My happy memories of Thanksgiving are not when I was a child, but when I had my own house and family to cook for. My 3 sons always invited their best friends over for mom's turkey, and many of them ate their second or 3rd dinner at our house because they enjoyed the zanyness of our happy thanksgiving dinners together. This year only the youngest will be able to fly to florida to be with us and it makes me sad thinking about it...
Oh well, I have plenty to be thankful for so I need to concentrate on the positive.
Take care,

Anonymous said...

I can highly recommend planting a tree. It's wonderful to watch them grow each year and will be living monuments to both your grandmothers.

BTW I've got your bug now!

Tilly x

Anonymous said...

I a child of divorced parents and even though I am 44 I still struggle with things and not hurting peoples feeling...Really its just my mom that lays the guilt trip on dad and step mom are cool....I love thanksgiving..
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

I don't watch "Lost", but I follow Internet groups that post theories about what's going on.  I like twisted conspiracies --- hee hee.  ;)  

I haven't done any writing lately (beyond cards) myself.  But I'm buying a book from called "No Plot: No Problem!"

It sounds like my kind of thing.  My idol Lynda Barry once said that you should never try to steer the words and sentences and plot --- you should be like a water-skier behind a boat ----  and follow the story that comes out and just try to keep up with your written words.

Big bear hug,

Anonymous said...

Thanksgivings are a time that I enjoy very much now.  I spent time with my mother, my sister and her kids and my brother.  We usually eat early in the day, and will then make christmas ornaments with the kids.  The younger kids will nap in the afternoon or watch movies and everyone over the age of 10 or so will usually play card.  Canasta is our favorite (its a version of rummy).  My family is fiercely competitive, but in a playful way and sometimes we play cards into the wee hours of the morning.  

Growing up thanksgivings were unpredictable.  My parents were still together and I remember one thanksgiving in Michigan where my cousins came over and my dad and uncle helped the kids built a turkey out of snow.  This thing was a monstrosity over six foot tall and big enough that all four kids could sit on the back of this thing (with a boost up from a grown up).  Another year we had friends over for dinner, and the morning was spent cleaning the house.  It was a very tense morning, with lots of stress and yelling and when the company got there my father continued to berate and belittle my sister and I.  The company was so uncomfortable they left before dessert.  Needless to say, the day went down hill from there.  I think at times it helps to try and remember the better days to try and overcome those that were not so good.

This year will be a difficult thanksgiving for me, since I am going through a divorce.  It will be the first thanksgiving that I do not spend with my kids, so I will have to try and find a way to come to terms that that.