The sweet aroma is filling the air I breath. I checked out Paula Dean on the internet, she's one of my favorite cook's. I picked this receipe out.,1977,FOOD_9936_29692,00.html
I'm cooking the "Lady and sons Vegetable Beef Soup", the aroma is just too rich. I'm making a huge pot of it, tomorrow is our Crock Pot Sunday, so there will be plenty for tomorrow. Today has been a nice day, I went and got groceries, the Fridge is full and the freezer. I even got some Rocky Road ice cream. I'm bad, but oh well, I'll splurge this weekend. Mike is at work. It was so nice to have a clean house to come home to yesterday. Although I did smart off at him last night when he tried telling me how to wash something in the washing machine. My back or my lower back has been bothering me on one side, I went and jogged 6 miles today, and man am I sore, I was supposed to meet Mike at the gym, but don't think I'm going to make it, probably going to go put some ice or heat on it. I'm feeling creative today, I need to draw. I've been feeling it calling me lately. I've been into the photography thing so much that I havn't drawn much. But I've been seeing images in my head. So I've got to draw or write prose or something. Funny how it just hits me at times, and other times I can't seem to get anything done.
That woman can flat do some cooking! I love her show...
lol, my daughterclaims," she uses a lot of butter! "lol, my hubby says she needs to wear make up, LOL I don't watch TV.
Oh my god..she is my cooking ICON..use that BUTTER AND ALL THEM FATS...WHAT SOUTHERN COOK DON'T..if they DONT then they can't cook..LOVE HER LOVE HER LOVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!ANother thing we have in common..I got her books...and I want both of her SON's!!!
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