Sunday, February 26, 2006

Slept a lot today

Well we did make it up early to go to church, it was a really nice service.   Afterwards a group of us took our friends Mike and Allan out to lunch for their birthdays at Beach Road Chicken.   Nothing like some Fried Chicken.  I came home and slept most of the day, we were so tired from the Highland games yesterday.   We thought we would rest yesterday evening when we came in, but my cousin called and we ended up meeting them out for some drinks and dancing.  Some friends had come and stayed with them, friends of mine as well.  Mark and Mark.  We had a really nice time, but really paid for it this morning.  And yes that one picture we're doing the YMCA.   They played 80's music a lot, Vicki looked at me and said I think they knew we were coming out.

I started a new face blog a few days ago, not sure how it will turn out but who knows.  I've always loved photographing faces. 


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Perhaps too much? lol

Anonymous said...

of course your tired today, it you had a great time last night. I love men in kilts, now sexy.  Hope you get your rest.

Anonymous said...

Nothing like Fried Chicken is right..and some potatoe salad and soem corn on the cob and of course ICED TEA..YES baby....Sounds like you two had a fantastic Weekend and now you need to both rest up.

Anonymous said...

fried chicken....yummm
loved the pictures.  i went to the highland games here once.  had a great time.


Anonymous said...

Wow!  The guy with the blue kilt has great legs.  I'm drooling.  ;)

Anonymous said...

so....dare I ask what is under that kilt?

Sorry, I couldn't resist.....I LOVE highland games. The pics look like it was so much fun.