Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thinking on Thursday morning

Seems lately I'm often wishing I could see what lies around the  corner in life.  Trying to prepare for it, control it, or avoid it.  I know I can't see around the corners in life.  So what am I trying to see?  Well our friends Valerie and Rochelle rent out a lot of different property they own, and they showed us this nice three bedroom apartment, with a sun room, a little breakfast nook area.   It's so much more room than what we have.   So we play the game of trying to figure it out, can we afford it.   Then we weigh things out, and things are always diffrent between two people.   I feel I found more pros that outweigh the cons, and Mike's cons outweigh the pro's.    The main thing is I don't really want to make the move unless we are agreeing that we think this is the best thing for us.  But as I said earlier, we sure can't see around corners.   So I'm putting my trust in God.   I feel a little more reassured this way.   So whichever direction things go I'm o.k.   Every day I am cared for.  I know who holds the future, and I know who holds my hand: with God things don't just happen-  Everything by Him is planned.  So what am I saying, I'm saying I'm not going to worry about tomorrow.  It's in God's hands.  Yesterday I took some pictures of Wendy, it was really hot and humid, but I think they turned out pretty good.


Anonymous said...

If we could see around the corner we might not like what we see <smile>
Donna in TEXAS

Anonymous said...

It's always best to let God take care of things. Nobody else can do as great a job, right? I do hope things work out so you can get this place if you want it though. It sounds wonderful.
Hugs, Derek

Anonymous said...

I hope things work out the way you
want them to.  The apartment sounds
really nice.

Anonymous said...

Hmmmmm... you say... 'with God things don't just happen'.... so why do you suppose this place came up????  :)

Anonymous said...

I always say,leave it to god and he shall show u the sign....I think he already has shown you some of it.

Anonymous said...

God will find a way to tell you if you should move.
In the meantime try this.  Both of you write out your pros and cons.  Now switch lists.  Now try to find a way to make each other's con into a pro.


Anonymous said...

Hi! I just saw one of your old journal entries about the Erasmus Augustus Ennis and Emma Middleton Haygood Ennis family. You and I must be related somehow. Lula Payne Ennis (who must be in the picture you posted) was my great-grandmother. I would love to read what you've written about the Ennis family. Payne Ennis had several children (including my paternal grandmother) but then died relatively young. I know so little about her family.

Email me, if the spirit moves you. Good luck with your decision about the apartment.

-- M.E.W.