Friday, July 21, 2006

Wow it's been a long time since I posted.   Well my back went out on July 1st of this year, and today is my first day back at work since it went out.   I had a miserable 20 days of pain, but am just very thankful to be back at work today.   Still hurting a bit but nothing compared to the pain I was feeling.   I've been going to the chornic pain clinic and I feel like they will be helping me through all the pain.   Mike has been really good through all this.   It's been rough, but all in all I think the hard part of it is over.   I'm really feeling much better.  Well I better get back to work.   Just wanted to say hey and that's I'm o.k.   Hope everyone out there has a great weekend!


Anonymous said...

sorry to hear about that hun!! Take care get well!!

Anonymous said...

It's good to hear from you again.

Anonymous said...

It HAS been a long time since you've posted. I missed reading your entries - missed YOU, as I'm sure many other people have.
Hugs, dear one,

Anonymous said...

Glad your back and feeling a little better.  :)

Anonymous said...

You have been missed!
I am glad the pain is getting better.  I will be praying for you.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you are feeling better and your here blogging again..Hope you have a fantastic weekend also.

Anonymous said...

so happy to have you back. So sorry about the back and all the work you had to miss.

Anonymous said...

Good to see you "back" again, Derek! I hope those 20 days of miserable pain are behind you. Keep the chin up as your smile is contagious.


Anonymous said...

Hi Derek,
I'm sorry to hear about your back.  I was wondering where you've been.  I hope you are feeling better.

Anonymous said...

Oh no hope your back is better now....huggs your way
Donna in TEXAS