I was thinking today about how we cannot wait to get out on our own when we are young. It’s just nature taking over…leaving the nest. But I feel the love of family and cannot wait to get back to gather with them. I went home to Georgia this weekend for a much needed family reunion. It was my mom’s family reunion. But in a way it was a good one for all of us as well. Friday I spent time with my sister’s. It felt like old times. I was driving them around town, the old chauffeur. Saturday we spent most of the day over at my brother’s new house, which I just loved. He can do so much with it, and I know he’s going to love it. We were all together again. With a few extra cousins here and there. We had two pans of lasagna, fried mushrooms, and I had a few corona’s. We even had a dance off in the living room-(dance floor). The kids really enjoyed it too. Especially Autumn. She’s so proud of her little Tinkerbell room there. Then we had the big family reunion on Sunday with so much food. After that I went to see the boys and took them swimming at daddy’s. They just loved it. Eli with his remote control boat I got him, and Ethan having fun with me in the pool. He loved jumping in the pool to me and me throwing him in the air in his float. We are always building such great memories. I’m truly blessed. I cherish my family and our relationship. I think it’s memories like these that can get me through the tough times.
The pictures aren't showing. :( Maybe it's just on my end. Bummer. It sounds like you had a great time, though! I love being with my family. My uncle came and took my grandmother last week because he didnt' feel my mom could handle taking care of her anymore and I miss her so badly. I have seen my grandmother everyday for the past 44 yrs. except for my honeymoon and vacations. Now she's gone. I'm going to see her in two weeks so it will be a reunion of sorts. Bittersweet, but needed.
It sounds as if you had a wonderful weekend, these are very good memories to cherish and help you get thru the bad times.
cute picutes
Donna in TEXAS
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