Thursday, September 14, 2006

Questions to mom

I forgot to post my question to my mom from last Friday. Here they are:

Question 1
Are there certain scriptures or other writings that you repeatedely turn to for inspiration or guidance?
“Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Matthew 7:1

Question 2

Describe an unforgettable experience during your time of living as a single woman in Jacksonville
My most unforgettable experience of living in Jacksonville when I was first arriving in Jacksonville, Florida on the Greyhound bus. I had never been away from home and this was the first time I had ever gone to a big city by myself. Can you imagine how scared I was? I knew that Eunice Lestlie's husband Johnny Horton was to meet me at the bus station but I was scared there waw a mix up. When I got off the bus he was there. I can remember straining to look at the city when we were getting close to it.

My next most unforgettable experience was when I learned how to ride my bicycle in Jacksonville, Florida. I guess that was the most fun thing that I did when I lived in Jacksonville. I was such a dreamer. I used to ride by the river where all the big homes were and dream about meeting my husband. I guess I thought he was going to come out of his house and fall in love with me. I have told you many times about how when Carolyn and I rode our bicycles, I could not turn the curve and I would wind up in some people's shrubbery. Lots of times, he would have his water sprinkler on. Sometimes they were at their door to watch me. I was so young, healthy, and carefree.

Probably the biggest problem I had was getting my laundry to the washateria. I have many happy memories of living in Jacksonville.

The picture of her with the rollers in her hair was her in her bedroom in Jacksonville. I always loved this picture even when I was a little boy it would make me laugh.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Derek,
This entry reminds me of myself.  I was 18 when I ventured out on my own from Michigan to Los Angeles, California.  My brother lived here at the time.  I came from a sheltered home and I was scared to death of this huge city.  But, before long, I found a job and a month later my husband joined me.  I've been here ever since.  The pictures I love.  I also read your previous post.  The poem was very moving and very fitting for remembering.  Hope all is well with you and your family.  I love the way you love your family.  I always like hearing about them.  Love and prayers,  gloria, Kevin's mom  

Anonymous said...

great pictures of your mom.
love her memories --- love the bike stories!
