Thursday, June 14, 2007

Sherry, Mark, and Autumn

I may have mentioned as well that I got a little surprise on Mike’s birthday weekend as well.   My sister and husband came down which I knew they were coming, but they brought my niece Autumn down as well.   They got a queen size blow up mattress and stayed with Uncle Derek and Mike.   Autumn had us in cracking up on Sunday night, I see know she has my brother’s sense of humor and the ability to make you just laugh out loud.   It was so good seeing them.   I really love my family and was glad they were here as well.  We kept Autumn most of this morning, we started watching Nanny McPhee, I’d never seen it, didn’t finish it  because I had to head to the doctor for my second procedure.  She even went with me to the doctor, poor thing was sleeping in a chair when I got out.   I took her to the park for a while after that.   Then they left my mid afternoon.   Mikes mom came over yesterday too, and took us out for sushi since yesterday was actually Mike’s birthday.    Everyone left and we enjoyed each other’s company very much, it was like being on a date with a new man, he finally talked me into shaving my beard and stache, because in the three years we’ve been together I never have.   I’m not crazy about it on me, but he loved it, guess he felt like he was on a date with a new man too.   It was kind of worth it, we had fun!   But I’m letting it grow back.  It is offically no longer Mike’s birthday weekend, although he did take off work today for one more day to enjoy.  I’ll post more pictures later of  him with his family on his birthday, (cute ones with he and his nephews with chocalate cake all over them), and some from the party Saturday.  Well time to get ready for work.   Wish me luck.   Everyone have a great week.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awesome pictures, Derek. Autumn gets more adorable as time passes. Her name truly suits her, I think. Hope you have an AWESOME day.
Hugs, love & prayers,