Monday, March 24, 2008

Gavin Ryder

Once again I’m am blessed with a healthy little nephew.  Little Gavin Ryder was born on Maundy Thursday at 11:55 p.m.   Gavin is my brother's first son.   The family name will be carried on.  In the midst of me trying to get packed and ready to move, events that alter the present sometimes occur.   I’m so excited.   Another baby, about to change all of our lives I know.  Coming so close to Easter.    Celebrating birth around the anniversary that Our Lord took death upon Himself on that cruel cross of pain for our sins.  So celebrating Eternal life as well.   Lord get me home safe, help my car make it so I can be with my family.   I pray for little Gavin as he comes into this world to be filled with love from all of his family, very much wanted and loved. Friday I held him and took so many pictures, Lance, Mom, Amy, and I, then Saturday I got to spent a few hours with just he and Amy, holding him, looking at him.   Praying for him, loving him.   Lance is so proud I can see it in his eyes, and Amy is such a good mama.   She is so good with him.   She seems to cherish each moment.   More pictures from the weekend coming later, I'm still sleepy.   I got my kitchen cleaned and packed but that's about it.   Hope everyone had a wonderful Easter.   I'd also like to say thanks to a special lady over at

Click here: The Yellow Brick Road  she made my week being the aol Guest Editor and I really appreciate her giving me a plug, she's awesome! 


Anonymous said...

HI, I'm Bethe, another one of Robin's picks.  Thought I'd pop in and say "Hello".  congrats on the new addition to your family.  I'm an OB nurse and am always in awe of the miracle...

hugs,  Bethe    

Anonymous said...

He is so beautiful!  I couldn't believe how he looks like he is smiling in a couple of those pics!!!

Anonymous said...

He is to precious.  So where u moving too?

Anonymous said...

omg so very cute.