Weekend Assignment #82: What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? I grew up with Dr. Seuss, my mom must have got me all the Dr. Seuss books when I was growing up. When I was a child I had a problem that many kids probably face, that was nightmares. After I got this book, I started changing those creatures in my nightmares from monsters that were going to hurt me to monsters that were my friends. This was my favorite book growing up. I also loved "The Velveteen Rabbit" which I think I loved even more as an adult. I loved being read too, and reading.
Extra Credit: As an adult , have you shared that favorite bedtime story with a child? I got Autumn the book "The Velveteen Rabbit", and Eli the leapster edition of "Where the Wild Things Are". The first book I read was "Island of the Blue Dolphins", can't wait to give that book to Autumn soon. I also loved "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe", can't wait till that movie comes out in December.
and rolled their terrible eyes and showed their terrible claws
but Max stepped into his private boat and waved goodbye
and sailed back over a year and in and out of weeks and through a day
and into the night of his very own room, where he found his supper waiting for him
and it was still hot.”—Where the Wild Things Are
Velveteen Rabbit!!! I totally forgot about that one, thanks. I'm going to hunt it down now.
We had both books on the shelves for our kids, but they didn't like them, CSLewis is a whole new story, my opinions on him are quite different from most folks. But I know he is well liked with many people.
great choices http://journals.aol.com/pixiedustnme/Inmyopinion/entries/1303
I loved these books, too .... and still do enjoy reading them when I have a chance to share them with my nieces and nephews. It's always fun to see them enjoy something I think so much of. tina http://journals.aol.com/onemoretina/Ridealongwithme
My ma and pa got very tired of reading those Little Golden Books to me when I was tucked into bed. My absolute favorite was "Ootpik The Arctic Owl". I can see those illustrations so clearly in my mind. I should probably check EBay for it.
I cannot wait to see The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe....... :):):) judi
Oh another one of my favorites from childhood. Hmmm you know, I ran into an entry awhile ago <thinking of who wrote it> that said this book was on a ban list! Can you imagine?? My 10 year old still loves that book
My FAVE!!!!!!! "Where the wild things are....." Love it more than my kids lol
Awwe a great book.
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