Thursday, October 6, 2005

Picture of Nana

Do you ever see a picture and memories start to flood back.  This is how I remember my Nana.  I posted this piccture of her in my mom's blog today, want to see what she writes when she see's it.  I stayed at my Mema's most weekend, but some weekends I would stay with my Nana.  I wish I could have known her as a man, there's so many questions I would ask her.  I love to hear stories about her.  I know she was truly happy before she died.  She had found love late in life, and married Stacey, he was a good man, and brought much joy to her life.  She was a very independent woman who could do anything that a man could do just about or better.  I miss her tonight.


Anonymous said...

you dear southern people use different terms, she's grandma right?? LOL

Anonymous said...

I just saw this and couldn't remember who the journaler was.  You sneaky sneaky boy!  Hehe. ;)  C.

Anonymous said...

She is certainly attractive. I could write a story using just what I see in her face and eyes.
Great photo. Nominated you for an award, by the way.

Anonymous said...

That's great you had such a wonderful Nana!  I never got to be close to my grandparents.  I guess having 3 moms and 3 dads make up for that.  (I have lots of stepparents.)

Anonymous said...

I know exactly what you mean by looking at a picture and having all those memories.

Anonymous said...

I'm missing my grandma too Derek....she passed away 6yrs ago suddenly...what gives me peace of mind is knowing the last words i said to her were....I love you ~ now if she only knew how much....I too would love to sit and talk and ask many questions....we have to make the most out of life...cause tomorrow is never promised ...

Anonymous said...

My Nana passed away when I was very young, but I do have some good memories ( and some really funny ones, too ! ) of spending time with her.  Tina

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have known my grandfather..... judi

Anonymous said...

And she fished :o) She really does sound like such an incrediable woman. I think it's wonderful that you carry on her spirit with thoughts, writings and photos. I admire you for caring that much.