Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Guess that 6 mile run zonked me more than I knew.  I got home from work today and crashed.  Now I'm awake.  Mike and I just ate.  Bellies are full.  Nothing's on television.  I had heard a friend of mine from high school had written a book.  He was always a nice guy.   I didn't have a lot of guy friends in high school, lots of girlfriends.  He was a little younger than me, and we were both into Drama and acting.  I always thought a lot of him, I was older than him, one year I was a lifeguard and lifeguarded for his church's summer camp.  I took a class with him too and he sat behind me too.   We weren't close friends, but I always felt a closeness with him.  Maybe because we had stuff in common.  My friend Daryl had told me he had written a book of short stories about growing up.  I found his website. .  I look forward to reading some of his short stories, he always had a great since of humor and liked to laugh.   He always seemed older than he was too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It`ll be fun for you to read!