Monday, November 27, 2006

My niece Autumn and Mike's Mom's Christmas party

John’s Monday Photo shoot over at  

My Monday Photo Shoot: You know what you think is pretty. Show us. It can be a person, a place, or thing, just as long as the primary reaction you (and hopefully others) get from seeing it is, my, that's pretty. It's so simple that your major difficulty, I expect, will be narrowing down the field to one thing.


No this one was easy as could be, Pretty to me is my six year old niece.  She is the perfect little model for me, she’s quite the natural, although we spent much time doing little pranks that Uncle Derek or should I say (Uncle Dig-It) since they are all calling me this now taught her that weren’t so pretty(like platic wrap on the toilet seat and vaseline on the doorknobs).  She’s really the sweetest thing in the world to me.   Once again as I left she made sure she was the last one to say goodbye, as she followed me to my car showing me where she wrote I love you in the dust on the bumper of the car, yes we have lots of dirt roads.  She blew me kisses till I couldn’t see her anymore just like last time.

The other pictures are from Mike's mom's Christmas party I took, we all had such a good time, and Mike came home in such a great mood, he really loves being a part of his nephews life, and he and Tiffany got along good, I even saw the love in his eyes.


Sunday, November 26, 2006

Thanksgiving 2006

More posted later, just got home, I'm so tired.

Thursday, November 2, 2006

Birthday Poem to Lance yesterday was his birthday

Lance and Derek, brothers by blood
Thoughts of yesterday continue to flood
Two children fast at play, I grew older and went away

That was the past, and the memories last
Because in our dreams and in life, time goes so fast
Or can time stand still, where we can look at thoughts of past, present, future at will

Tomorrow will come and we will be still
With unmeasurable amounts of love to be shared
Although we don’t always say it we both know, (that we have no hair) I was trying to rhyme with shared
For now we have our dreams and thoughts, our should and our oughts

Our father and mother, our sisters we love.
I only know of being Uncle, you know Father and Uncle.
But… we are brothers
We are brothers by blood
And my love does flood.

Happy Birthday my brother!