Friday, June 17, 2005

I know what I want

What do I want?  I was taken off guard today when a co-worker I was chatting with on my break, asked me the question what is it you want in life?  I looked at her, like why such a big question?  No I didn’t really answer her.  Well I did, but it was just the obvious, you know happiness, more money, security.  Stuff like that.  So I’ve been sitting here thinking what do I want.  I work for a large company, it’s the third largest distributor of paper products.  We sell all kinds of products from cleaning supplises, office supplies, lots of stuff.  I’m a merchandiser/customerservice person, not sure if I’ve ever shared what I do.  One of our customers a large company uses suction to extract contaminating substances from steel drums.  They have these big strong vacuum clener like things that take out the materials in the barrels, but the workers must regulate the force of the vaccums.  If they take out too much air, the drums will collapse like paper cups, which we sell also, because the outer pressure will exceed the inner pressure.

This company was telling me about this, and I listened, like I do everday, sometimes thinking ok, just tell me what you want to buy, so I can get on with things.  But I hung up after they told me what they wanted to get prices for.  And started thinking about this.  We’re very much like this.  Hardships come into our lives.  We are empowered from within or we will be unable to withstand the pressure from without.  We get support from our friends and family, but its our spiritual inner man.  A friend once told me to listen to that inner self.  He said he was psychic too, because he talked to that inner man all the time, and he could ask it yes or no questions and that inner voice was good at answering right.  This is what I want, I want inner strength, and a strong inner voice.

As I’m writing this something is saying in my mind to be still more, meditate, the Spirit will strengthen you and renew your mind.  No I’m not hearing voices, I think I’m just having a conversation with my inner voice.  O.k.  that’s my prayer for today.  I ask for a development of my inner strength so that when life’s blows and burdens press on me, that I won’t cave in like that drums we sell.


Anonymous said...

This was a great entry. *Louise*

Anonymous said...

Very good, Derek!  

Anonymous said...

Derek, you have me thinking...and my inner voice and my brain( or is it my heart and my innner voice ?)argue all the time.....

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm..inner peace and strength..two good things to pray for..These are the two things I have a constant battle with...

Anonymous said...

I just love the way your mind works,I have a very intersting friend much younger then myself but we get along so well and I often share some of your stuff with him.thank you deveil.    shirley

Anonymous said...

I've had a stressful week and I enjoy reading your entries, but today when I read what you have written it gave me peace of mind. Thank you! I bet you didn't know you were helping someone out! I feel the exact same way. I often have trouble with this same question.  XOXO Gina