Tuesday, June 7, 2005

I saw some anger

Mikes mom came over last night.  I worked frantically for  a few moments to get the house clean for her.  I think for the first time it was looking pretty good, still a few pictures to hang.  But what it turned into was a bit of an anger management class.  Or maybe that’s what it should be.  Made me think of James in the bible.  He swung his axe at the root of one of our deepest problems: a smothering absorbtion with our own desires-getting our own way and having our own needs met.  When the passion is frustrated, it can quickly become blind rage that demeans us.  Though we may get what we want, we’re still left feeling unsatisfied.  I won’t go into what the two of them fussed about.  I understood where both of them were coming from.  But I knew playing the middle was not where I should be.  So I just sat there listening.  I don’t think it does good to brood over injustices, to try to set things right on our own, or to let our desires determine our decisions.  Sometimes submitting to them will lead to fights inside us and with those around us.  Before our anger peaks, we can call for a “time out” and take a walk with the One who understands us better than we understand ourselves-who cares about us more than we can ever know.  We can tell Him about our anger and mull things over with him.  I did call for a time out with them once.  They were getting kind of loud.  I pray for the both of them and their family.  I want God to meet their needs His way.   I know when anger enters our hearts, it poisons all we think and do, but faith seeks a way to shine and keep our spirits strong and true.  Mike I know you read my journal too, so just want you to know I’m behind you.  I also want you to let go of that anger if you can


Anonymous said...

As my Mom has always told me when I am going thru something...LET GO LET GO LET GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Mike has YOU in his life.  Anne

Anonymous said...

anger is a nasty  thing....

Anonymous said...

You are such a neat person, Derek!  Great entry.  How's the neck, Mike?

Anonymous said...

Good man, Derek.