Sunday, June 19, 2005

Into the West

Not sure if anyone out there on J-Land has been watching this show, we watched last weeks first episode and loved it.  It's about history so I loved it.  Here's a cool website about it if you'd like to know more.

We've had a good weekend.  Yesterday we slept late, I cooked and played on the internet, Mike went shopping with Mike, then we all went and saw the new Batman movie!  Which I loved.  There was a pretty powerful quote in it that I really liked.  - "It's not who I am underneath... But what I do that defines me".
Batman- Batman Begins. 
We all went out to Chile's and out later to the watering hole.  This morning we went to church and our friend Mike went with us.  It was another great sermon.  Pastor Linda spoke of fond memories and things that she got from her father.  She preached on "Letting Go", I wish I'd taped it.   She quoted from Henry Nouwen "Inner Voice of Love".  I've got to get that book.  I sure can relate to it.  Happy Father's Day to all the father's out there in J-Land, and to my Father, brother Lance, and brother-in-law Andy.


Anonymous said...

I've been catching quotes here and there of Henry Nouwen.  I am not familiar with him.  Will have to pick up his book and check him out.  I do like the quotes.  Enjoy your evening.  gloria

Anonymous said...

I love this show..I missed part of it tonight darn
Donna In TEXAS

Anonymous said...

Hi Derek.....I wanted to drop by and say seems all is  well with you  :)